Patient journey

Allergy is becoming a true epidemic

Allergic Patient Journey

More than 40% of people worldwide suffer from allergy and less than 50% are being treated for their symptoms.

Allergic reactions are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to substances, called allergens, that are harmless for most people. People can develop allergies to specific food (e.g. peanut, milk, fish), grass- or tree pollen, house dust mites, pets, insects, and even some medication.

An allergic reaction may cause a wide range of symptoms. In the most severe cases it can even lead to asthmatic attacks, anaphylactic shock and even death. Although allergies are sometimes mistakenly seen as a “trivial” disease, statistics show that in fact they are seriously debilitating and severely impact the quality of life of patients.


50% of schoolchildren in Europe suffer from one or more allergies, making allergy becoming a true epidemic.

3-5 years

Current immunotherapy is based on desensitization and can take up to 3-5 years ( 60 injections) to reduce allergy symptoms with the risk of severe adverse reactions.


Food allergies are an increasing medical concern, as 8% of children suffer from food allergies, from which 38.7% have a history of serious reactions requiring hospitalization.